Impossible Question
Friday January 27th, 2023
Question: This American toy has been banned in several countries around the world because it "stimulates passion" ... what is it?
Answer: The Hula Hoop
Winner: Rusty Garrison
Wednesday January 25th, 2023
Question: It's rare for guys, but somewhat common for women. In fact, 25 percent of women have done this at least once during their lifetimes ... where is it?
Answer: Said "No" to a marriage proposal
Winner: Edward Hefner
Tuesday January 24th, 2023
Question: If you have one of these, there's a 70% chance you have more than one. What?
Answer: Tattoos!
Winner: Steven Hamm
Monday January 23rd, 2023
Question: Americans are very different from Europeans. For instance, 80 percent of Europeans own one of these, while only 10 percent of Americans do ... what is it?
Answer: A car with a stick shift/standard transmission
Winner: Mike Davidson
Friday January 20th, 2023
Question: 12% of women say they have done this in the bathroom?
Answer: Washed dishes in the bathtub
Winner: Luke Church
Thursday January 19th, 2023
Question: Guys … a new study says doing THIS can increase your chance of hair loss. What is THIS?
Answer: Drinking one soda per day
Winner: Ben Hager
Wednesday January 18th, 2023
Question: A national survey shows that the average American adult hasn't done this outdoor activity in more than nine years ... What is it?
Answer: Ride a Bicycle
Winner: Lou Falcetano
Tuesday January 17th, 2023
Question: On a regular basis, this is the most tweeted about item -- nearly half a million tweets a day-- what is it?
Answer: The Weather
Winner: Beverly Gibbs
Monday January 16th, 2023
Question: More than 40 percent of guys admit they don't know this fact about their wives ... What is it?
Answer: Her favorite flower
Winner: Jamie Liles
Friday January 13th, 2023
Question: So far this year, 383 people have injured themselves using this. Using What?
Answer: A Pencil
Winner: Victoria Strankle
Thursday January 12th, 2023
Question: This business gets three times the normal number of customers the day after the local team loses a big game ... What is it?
Answer: Cell phone repair companies
Winner: Brad Hager
Wednesday January 11th, 2023
Question: Research shows that doing this reduces the risk of having an argument with your spouse. Doing What?
Answer: dimming the lights
Winner: Brandon Tredway
Tuesday January 10th, 2023
Question: Since 1970, the number of people who do this has dropped by over 70%?
Answer: Taking a bath
Winner: Cynthia Duncan
Monday January 9th, 2023
Question: Millions of households after the New Year, purchased a new one of these for the first time in nine years?
Answer: Vacuum cleaner
Winner: Randy Walker
Friday January 6th, 2023
Question: About 15 percent of people surveyed say they have done this at work, even though it could have gotten them fired. What is it?
Answer: Snooped through their boss's desk
Winner: Josh Bentley
Wednesday January 4th, 2023
Question: This is 27% more likely to happen to you the first week of the year, when compared to any other week?
Answer: Get fired
Winner: Tabby Pettit
Monday January 1st, 2023
Question:Over 80% of people surveyed say they have a wish of having one of these in the New Year. Having What?
Answer: a dream kitchen
Winner: Jim Schmidt
Friday December 30th, 2022
Question: Almost 70% of people today are omitting something from their wedding vows. What is it?
Answer: The word "Obey"
Winner: Cathy Johnson
Thursday December 29th, 2022
Question: 66% of women do this even though their husbands say they've already done it?
Answer: Clean
Winner: Neil Johnson
Wednesday December 28th, 2022
Question: The number one food found in pantries is _________.
Answer: macaroni and cheese.
Winner: Gay McClanahan
Tuesday December 27th, 2022
Question: A new sleep survey found that 36% of us do this about 4 times a day. What?
Answer: Hit the snooze button!
Winner: Phillip Church
Friday December 23rd, 2022
Question: It's estimated that of people who own one of these, about 75 percent of them never or hardly ever use them ... what is it?
Answer: A pool table
Winner: David Maines
Thursday December 22nd, 2022
Question: The first time this happened was Christmas Eve in 1906. What is it?
Answer: The 1st song was played on the radio. It was “O Holy Night.”
Winner: Donna Church
Wednesday December 21st, 2022
Question: California, Oregon, Michigan, Washington, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina all have this in common. What is it?
Answer: the top Christmas tree producing states from the U.S.
Winner: Tim Carter
Tuesday December 20th, 2022
Question: A quarter of all men say this is the worst fashion faux pas a woman can make; what is it?
Answer: A quarter of all men say that one of the worst fashion pas a woman can make is wearing leopard print
Winner: Dirk Dowell
Monday December 19th, 2022
Question: Your dream destination? A poll of 1,000 people asks where is the first place they'd like to go when they retire... where is it?
Answer: Australia
Winner: Nettie McCoy
Thursday December 15th, 2022
Question: 88% of people under 40 have never used one of these?
Answer: Handkerchief
Winner: Parker Privette
Tuesday December 13th, 2022
Question: We're all unique, but there are certain things we all (or almost all) do. For instance, at any given time, when you do this more than half-a-million people are also doing it at exactly the same time ... what is it?
Answer: Pressing the spacebar on your computer.
Winner: Mark Collins
Monday December 12th, 2022
Question: Germaphobia! Daycare workers have the germiest jobs by far, but this job comes in second place according to experts -- what is it?
Answer: A bank teller
Winner: Anne Shoemaker
Thursday December 8th, 2022
Question: More than 82 percent of women say guys should NOT do this after the age of 30 ... what is it?
Answer: Get their ears pierced
Winner: Mike Estes
Wednesday December 7th, 2022
Question: 14% of men have done this to impress a woman?
Answer: Light a scented candle
Winner: Chrystal Harris
Wednesday December 7th, 2022
Question: 14% of men have done this to impress a woman?
Answer: Light a scented candle
Winner: Chrystal Harris
Tuesday December 6th, 2022
Question: Nearly one-third of men under the age of 40 do this before going out when they want to look nice ... what is it?
Answer: Use Hairspray
Winner: Diana LeVan
Friday December 2nd, 2022
Question: In a new survey, nearly 80% of women say this was one of their biggest regrets from high school. What?
Answer: Their hairstyle!
Winner: Rebecca Geleen
Thursday December 1st, 2022
Question: Just 2% of cars sold last year have this once-common feature. What?
Answer: Manual transmission!
Winner: Carl Gilbert
Thursday March 17th, 2022
Question: 71% Of People Love The Smell Of This, But 19% Dislike I
Answer: Bacon
Winner: ShaNay Woods
Wednesday March 16th, 2022
Question: Men who do THIS live longer than those who don’t?
Answer: Kiss their wife before going to work
Winner: Trucker Mike Estes
Friday March 11th, 2022
Question: 5% of women have done this before their wedding! What is it?
Answer: Botox
Winner: Andrew Shook
Thursday March 10th, 2022
Question: 16% of people say they would have no problem buying a used one of THESE
Answer: Electric Toothbrush
Winner: Lanay Wood
Wednesday March 9th, 2022
Question: When people were asked the question “I don’t get enough of…” What was the #1 answer?
Answer: Sunshine
Winner: Lanay Wood
Tuesday March 8th, 2022
Question: 2 1/2 million Americans have a picture of one of these on their phone?
Answer: Rainbows!
Winner: William Johnson
Monday March 7th, 2022
Question: A survey of remote workers asked about the things they miss most about the office. Being face to face with others topped the list. What came in 2nd?
Answer: Their chair
Winner: Todd Bowers
Friday March 4th, 2022
Question: 68% of people share secrets with this person.
Answer: Hair stylist
Winner: Justin Boggs
Thursday March 3rd, 2022
Question: Moms who do this at home have daughters who tend to be more successful later in life. What is it that these Moms are doing?
Answer: Nag/fuss
Winner: Bonnie Coffin
Wednesday March 2nd, 2022
Question: 10% Of People Claim They Do THIS Every Single Day
Answer: Vacuum Their Home
Winner: Garry Ladd
Tuesday March 1st, 2022
Question: 40 years ago, 80% of households had one of these in the kitchen. Today, only about 3% do. What is it?
Answer: A popcorn popper!
Winner: Curby Simmerson
Monday February 28th, 2022
Question: According to a new survey California and Nevada are the most sinful states but what state was the least sinful?-What is it?
Answer: Idaho
Winner: Ricky Josey
Friday February 25th, 2022
Question: In most cities, you’ll find THIS at Chuck E Cheese more than any other restaurant.
Answer: Adults fighting
Winner: Patricia Williams
Thursday February 24th, 2022
Question: Almost 50% Of People Go To The Same Place For THIS
Answer: A Haircut
Winner: Orson Klock
Wednesday February 23rd, 2022
Question: In a survey of veterinarians, this is the 9th most common non-food item eaten by pets?
Answer: Ammo
Winner: Unknown
Tuesday February 22nd, 2022
Question: A survey found that at any given time, about 20% of us are thinking about THIS?
Answer: Quitting our job
Winner: Eddie Wilkerson
Monday February 21st, 2022
Question: 37% of drivers say they have never done THIS in the car?
Answer: Honk the horn
Winner: Jennifer Martin
Friday February 18th, 2022
Question: If a man does this before approaching a woman for a date, he is 10% more likely to end up with a Home Run?
Answer: Put away his cellphone
Winner: Travis Kurfees
Thursday February 17th, 2022
Question: In a new survey, 45% of people think you should wait until age 25 to do this. What?
Answer: Get a credit card
Winner: Ann Shoemaker
Wednesday, February 16th, 2022
Question: This is one of the few things measured with both the metric and American standards?
Answer: Automotive tires
Winner: William Walker
Tuesday, February 15th, 2022
Question: This is the most popular male boys name for the last 100 years, what is it?
Answer: Michael
Winner: Dwayne Lippard
Monday, February 14th, 2022
Question: This will happen around 9 million times tonight.. What?
Answer: Marriage Proposals
Winner: Carolyn Tucker
Friday, February 11th, 2022
Question: 11% of people do THIS on Valentines Day. What is it?
Answer: Call their ex
Winner: Ashley Hamm
Thursday, February 10th, 2022
Question: In the past year 48% of women and 6% of men have cried after ______?
Answer: Stubbing their toe
Winner: Tabby Pettit
Wednesday, February 9th, 2022
Question: 11% of American households have these under one of their beds?
Answer: Dirty Dishes
Winner: Tony Moose
Tuesday, February 8th, 2022
Question: 75% of moms always have _____ on them?
Answer: Tissues
Winner: Josh Levan
Monday, February 7th, 2022
Question: A Study found that the smell of THIS makes you want to spend more money?
Answer: Oranges!
Winner: Lou Falcetano
Friday, February 4th, 2022
Question: Between 10% and 12% of the population share this trait. What trait?
Answer: Left handed
Winner: Netty McCoy